With her wife, Stormi Oshun of Many Hands Light Work, Shaun hosts monthly drum circles for women, bringing plenty of loaner drums and a wealth of fascinating and fun percussion instruments. Come discover and express your own innate musicality in this facilitated experience. With drummers who return month after month, as well as a good crop of first-timers at each circle, we create a once-in-a-lifetime musical soundscape in an encouraging, positive atmosphere. A great place to make friends, have a good laugh, challenge yourself to explore the unknown, and enjoy a play date for grownups! Meets at the Unitarian Universalist Fellowship of Bozeman, 325 N. 25th Ave. ($20 suggested contribution.)
We gather monthly in ceremonial space to set intention and practice journeying together. This is a rich opportunity for deepening our shamanic practice in the synergistic, supportive container of a coherent circle. Contact Shaun for more information; RSVP required. Please note that this circle is only available to people who have already received basic training in how to journey. (Contact Shaun if you have questions about the training you've received, or if you'd like to receive training.) ($30 suggested contribution.)
Join Shaun for an intimate, soulful gathering in the location of your choice. Whether you are an accomplished shamanic journeyer, inner-world explorer, or a first-timer, these weekends (and longer) promise a deeply experiential foray into the landscape of the Soul. With drumming, art, song, guided visioning and more, women discover, nurture and celebrate their own authentic nature ... that part of us which is fed and restored by the natural world ... that part of us which sustains and heals our world. Reach out to craft a personal retreat that's just right for you, or get on the listserv to learn about upcoming opportunities.
Past retreats and special events:
Shaun's retreats are moving, inspiring, soulful and FUN! I feel more courageous because of the safety and invitation she extends. Now I know what she means by "sacred play" -- and I want more!
- Julia M.
Shaun is calm and confident, thorough, and has a welcoming presence and spirit. She gives great information in digestible chunks. She brought a wealth of knowledge and a willingness to share her gifts, offering flexibility in meeting the needs of each group member. She is an expert in her field.
- Stephanie M.
A baby is born; a daughter reaches menarche; a parent dies. Or a new job arrives; a graduation from one life stage to another; a divorce, miscarriage or abortion; completion of one life phase and movement into another. Shaun creates one-of-a-kind ceremonies to honor these and other intimate and important rites of passage.
Not interested in a typical church wedding? Shaun will help you create the wedding of your dreams, using language, ritual and music that most resonate with your hearts. With decades as an officiant and ceremonialist, Shaun brings many rich resources to crafting your ideal ceremony.
Need a little more joy in your life? Always wanted to drum but afraid to give it a try? Shaun and her wife, Stormi Oshun, create a playful, permission-full environment in their classes for beginning and intermediate drummers. And drum circles are offered on a once-monthly basis for women who just want to cut loose without learning technique or culturally specific rhythms.
A variety of individually crafted and soulful residential retreats are available for those who want to deepen their personal practice, heal and reflect on their life's journey, and celebrate with others. Sign up to receive more information when a retreat is in the works.
Music moves through all of us, regardless of our upbringing or training. Making music in the moment shuts off the brain's inner critic and allows us to flow into surprising creative territory. In one-on-one or group sessions, discover your own heart's song and align your heartbeat with the Earth's ancient rhythms. Shaun is a certified Music Medicine practitioner (trained with Christine Stevens).
In a small group or one-on-one, take your journey to the next level in the "Cathedral of the Forest." Let Shaun create the sacred container which will best honor your intention, and open to the wisdom of the wilderness in a safe, supported experience. Bozeman is surrounded by beautiful National Forest lands; you can also create an outing in the sacred landscape of your choosing.
Bozeman, Montana